Anthropology & Brazilian Culture

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Links for Bibliographical References, Interesting Web Sites on the subject of Culture, Professional Associations and Academic Journals.
If you have any suggestions, please get in touch!


Aline Sapiezinskas & David Bogopa A Critical Analysis on Cultural Identity and Heritage Policies: The Case of Venezianos Lane in Brazil and Nelson Mandela Bay in South Africa

Sapiezinskas, A. Herança, Sacralidade e Poder. Sobre as diferentes categorias do Patrimônio Cultural no Brasil. Revista Horizontes Antropólogicos. Porto Alegre, UFRGS. Nº 23, 2005.

"Heritage, sacredness and power: on different categories of historical and cultural patrimony in Brazil." from:Horiz.antropol. v.2 Porto Alegre 2006

Sapiezinskas, Aline. Antropologies from the South

Professional Associations and other interesting links:

Pan African Anthropological Association


Comunidade Virtual de Antropologia

IPHAN Heritage in Brazil
